3 Ingredients To Connect To Your Higher Self

People ask me all of the time in their Akashic Record sessions “how can I be more connected” or “how can I strengthen my connection to my higher self” & the answer (almost) always comes down to these three key things:


1) Grounding: What is the first thing a seed does when planted? It grows roots. In order for us to connect up, we must first learn how to connect to the earth, be in our body, release fear, trust, be in the present, feel our emotions & center ourselves.

A few ways you can practice grounding: 

  • spend time outside with no distractions taking time to be present

  • eat red & earthy foods (ones with roots like carrots, potatoes, etc)

  • play the drums & stomp around your house

  • wash your hands & feet with sea salt

  • listen to 432 Hz chakra healing music

2) Open our heart space: Our heart is the gateway to our higher self. In order for us to get out of our head (ego) & listen to our higher self we must tap into & open our heart where we are most connected to our true self.

To open your heart space some things you can do: 

  • use heart chakra crystals (such as rose or strawberry quartz)

  • spend time daily focusing on what you are grateful for

  • practice on giving & receiving love through words, affirmations, random acts of kindness, etc

  • listen to 128 Hz chakra healing music

  • meditate with your attention on your heart chakra

3) Clear lower vibrations: this means trauma, karmas, limiting beliefs & lower energies surrounding you. We can’t climb up if lower vibrations are keeping us tied down. When we work through these lower vibes, we clear our path & are free to grow.

To begin clear these lower vibrations you can:

  • clear your energy; to start this with no knowledge or experience I recommend doing it when you are in the shower, close your eyes and imagine the water as white light washing away anything energetically in your aura or body

  • journal to release some built-up or past emotions

  • put up shields to protect yourself from lower vibrations & nonbenevolent beings

  • reflect on what does / doesn't serve your highest good & take steps to separate yourself from these things or put boundaries around them

  • meditate semi-regularly to start raising your vibration


By focusing on these three things, you will strengthen your connection to your higher self over time as well as when you practice them. You will also start to differentiate between what is your higher self & what is your ego. Which of these 3 things do you plan to focus on first?

Mari | Stay Collective Co

Founder of Stay Collective Co, a branding & website design studio working with soul-aligned entrepreneurs to up-level.


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