Clair Senses & Intuition

What are clair senses, who has intuition, what clair senses do you have & more…

Clair senses are ways of receiving intuition or messages from your higher selves guides & spirit. Intuition is something we all have whether you realize it or not AKA everyone has clairs senses. It's just a matter of how much we listen to them & are aware of them. There are different ways of receiving intuition & usually one or two of these methods is strongest.

I'll break it down for you. The six types of clair senses are:

  • Clairvoyance: clear seeing; this is when individuals see energy, spirits, auras, etc in the physical or when they see things in their third eye such as visions or pictures; if you are a very visual person then this could be your strong suit

  • Claircognizance: clear knowing; this is when you just know something; usually it is knowing something is happening in someone’s life, you just know with high certainty something is true or something will happen (when you think of your friend right before they call you) but you don't know how you know it

  • Clairaudience: clear hearing; this is when your higher self, guides, or spirits communicate to you through sound; this can be hearing words, sounds, etc internally or externally; usually I find people who are clairaudient don't know they are because they are so used to it they can't tell the difference until they start working with it so don't write this one off that quickly

  • Clairsentience: clear feeling; this is sensing energy, emotions & higher being communicating to you; this can feel like sensing someone else's energy, getting gut yes or no, chills when something is aligned or feeling hot / cold temperature changes when a spirit enters the room

  • Clairalience: clear smelling; when we smell things that have no reason for being there; usually these scents are tied to a spirit who is nearby or a memory / feeling

  • Clairgustance: clear tasting; ever taste something without eating or drinking? That's usually because someone is close by who wants to remind you of a memory / of a taste you associate with them

As you begin & learn to develop your stronger clair senses, usually others tend to open up. My biggest suggestion when working to develop these senses is just to pay attention to them & listen to them. The more awareness you give them, the more you will feel them & the stronger they will get. Which ones are your strongest clair senses?

If you want to learn more about your clair senses, check out Eleven Eleven, my self-paced course created to teach you how to tap into your intuition, develop your clair senses & work with your angels.

Mari | Stay Collective Co

Founder of Stay Collective Co, a branding & website design studio working with soul-aligned entrepreneurs to up-level.

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