Audit your energy leaks

Every single day whether you realize it or not you are doing things that are creating energy leaks for yourself. Energy leaks happen any time you create an energetic deficit or drain your energy.

You’re probably thinking “An energetic deficit? Everything drains my energy!” That’s not true! There are plenty of things you do that light you up, that make you feel excited, that feel aligned and GOOD to you. Those are the things we want to lean into.

Let’s talk about the things we don’t want to lean into because an energy leak can really include almost anything and it can look different for every person. What’s an energy leak for me might not be for you. These are things that make you feel tired, drained, uninspired, stuck, frustrated, or unmotivated. They are unfinished tasks that you could easily get done but you keep putting off and it continues to take up precious space in your mind – space that could be used for so many other things.

Not doing the dishes, waiting to send that email, putting off paying your bills, saying yes when you want to say no, overdoing it when you know you need to rest, living in a cluttered environment, ignoring your emotions. All of these are examples of energy leaks.

Why are we embracing these energy leaks when we should be keeping that energy for the things that light us up?! Whether it’s because you trained yourself to do this, you are avoidant, addicted to stress, too in your feminine, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is you have the ability to put an end to it & seal up these leaks.

When we seal up our energy leaks we enabling our energy to flow into the things we want rather than the things we don’t want, allowing our energy to be more focused, and letting ourself tap or stay in our creative zone.

Awareness is the first step to sealing up your energy leaks. You can do this by giving yourself an audit. Get out your journal and answer these questions:

  • What are the things you put off that are in the back of your mind taking up space (doing the laundry, getting gas in your car, going through your finances)?

  • What are the things you do that you allow to drain your energy (not putting up boundaries, saying yes when you want to say no, avoiding a conversation you know you need to have)?

  • What are the things you don’t allow yourself to do that you know will make you feel amazing but you stop yourself from doing them (going to the gym, meditating, allowing yourself to rest & read a book)?

Some of these things probably won’t be things you can get rid of especially in the unfinished tasks category or when it comes to your job. Being aware that they are draining energy from you though can be motivation enough to get them done sooner rather than building up the dreadful anticipation of doing them (and making the leak larger).

At the end of the day, our energy belongs to us and no one else. We choose how, when, and where we spend our energy. As you become aware of your energy start to prioritize closing these seals. You’ll be amazed how much more energy you have access to and how much lighter you feel!

I recently recorded an in-depth podcast episode all about energy leaks including ways to begin sealing them up. To find more on energy leaks, listen here.

Mari | Stay Collective Co

Founder of Stay Collective Co, a branding & website design studio working with soul-aligned entrepreneurs to up-level.

Clair Senses & Intuition